Thursday, 25 February 2016

Buddy Class 2016

Room 3 joined us today for our first buddy class session. All students have a buddy for the year and today they met them and taught them some catching and fielding skills. We have some wonderful leaders in Room 11.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Triathlon 2016

On Friday the middle and senior school walked to Jelly Park to compete in the Christ the King Triathlon. Miss Gill did a wonderful job organizing the day and all children gave 100% and did themselves proud.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Class Letter Term 1

Monday 1 February 2016

Christ the King School
92 Greers Road

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Room 11 Students,

My name is Ryan McInnes and I will be teaching your child this year in Room 11. I have recently moved to Christ the King from St Anne’s School in Woolston where I have spent the past 7 years. Before that I taught at St Teresa’s in Riccarton, St Clair in Dunedin and in a number of schools in the UK.

A little about myself, I enjoy sport and have played and coached most sports. These include, soccer, rugby, cricket, hockey, indoor netball, squash, tennis and athletics.  My other interests include, music and I.CT.

I have a daughter who is in Room 3 at Christ the King and I have been a member of the parish for a number of years. I look forward to meeting you over the next few weeks.

Homework will start in Week 3.  This will be in three parts - spelling, reading and finishing work.

Spelling - This will consist of 10 words sent home on Monday to learn and return on Friday. These words will be a mix of set words related to our word study activities and a number of personal words that have been misspelt during the week.
Reading - A reading log will be completed on a Friday to show what has been read during the week.
Finishing work - this will consist of tasks and activities not finished in class time.

Our curriculum subjects and special events this term will follow in our syndicate newsletter.

I hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any other queries please feel free to contact me at school for an appointment or e-mail at

I look forward to meeting you and having a very productive and successful year with your child.

Yours sincerely,

Ryan McInnes

Welcome to Room 11's Blog for 2016

Term 1 Year 7/8 Syndicate Newsletter

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

We would like to welcome you back to Term 1, and hope you had an enjoyable break with your child/ren.  I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr Ryan McInnes, the Room 11 teacher. He has come to Christ the King from St Anne’s School in Woolston.

We would like to share with you what will be happening in our senior classes this term.

Reading: This term the children will be exploring a variety of text chosen by the classroom teacher. We are teaching the children to not consume the text, but to construct meaning from what they are reading – looking for clues and inferencing. The class will begin reading exploring the SRA Boxes and then moving on to the fictional texts of myths and legends.

Maths: The children will sit a maths placement test this week in order to organise our Maths classes. From the results, we will identify children who should be extended within Level 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum, and these children will be with Mrs Abbott for Maths. Mr McInnes and Mr Atherton will teach the remainder of the children at Level 3 and 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum.  Mr McInnes and Mr Atherton will keep the remainder of their classes with Room 12 being split between these two rooms.
In Term 1, the children will be exploring Number. This will have the children working through addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using a variety of strategies, and involving whole numbers, decimals, integers and fractions.

Writing: The children will work within two writing genres this term. Firstly, the children will learn the recount writing genre with a focus on retelling a story using interesting sentences. This will be followed by the narrative genre with a focus on the children writing to engage the audience. The narrative writing will also be linked to our reading of myths and legends.

Topic: Belonging - The children will explore the topic of ‘Belonging,’ initially in the context of Maori History and then relating this to their family history. Two terms that we will be exploring is whakapapa (genealogy and family) and turangawaewae (our connection to the land). Many people have made New Zealand home traveling vast distances and making connections to the people and the land. This will lead the children to research and apply their own inquiry related to their connection to New Zealand, and in doing so learning this mihi (Maori speech).

Health: Belonging to the World Wide Web – Throughout this year, we will be teaching the children about belonging to the world wide web – what it means to be a digital citizen. With the children predominantly using Google Drive to work on this year, it is important that we teach the children about safety and the Internet.

Key Dates:
Thurs 4 – Thur 11 February
Senior School Swimming 1:30-2:30pm
Friday 5 February
Waitangi Liturgy 12pm
Wednesday 10 February
Ash Wednesday Mass
Thursday 11 February
Technology at Breens Intermediate begins
Meet the Teacher
Friday 12 February
CTK Swimming Sports
Friday 19 February
CTK Triathlon
Sunday 28 February
Senior School Mass
Monday 14 March
School Photos

If you have any questions regarding your child’s learning, please contact their classroom teacher.

Many Thanks,

Abraham Atherton                                                 Catherine Abbott                                                            

Ryan McInnes