Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Welcome Back

Monday 25 July

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Room 11 Students,

Welcome back to another exciting term, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break.

This letter is just to let you know a little about what will be happening in Term Three.

Our topic this term is ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’, an in-depth look into the Rio Olympics. We will explore the history of the Olympics, study Brazil, look at New Zealand’s history at the Olympics and look at New Zealand athletes and their build up to Rio. We will discuss controversial areas of the Olympics, explore the Olympic values and look into how technology has changed over the years.

This Term students will write and present speeches. They will explore information and exposition writing to assist in their speech writing. Speeches will be presented in classrooms later in the term. Further information will go home regarding dates for speeches in the coming weeks. 

Weekly winter sports will begin this Friday and students are reminded to ensure that they bring all the required gear. This term students will also participate in the Zone Winter Tournament in Week 2 and Canterbury Winter Tournament in Week 5 for those terms that qualify.

Homework will start today and will be the same as last term with 10 spelling words, completing an electronic reading log and finishing work.
Please check that your child still has all stationery needed in Room 11 including a red pen, ruler, pencils, eraser, compass and protractor, etc.

All dates and times of events and activities this term will follow in the School and Syndicate Newsletter including more information about Cantamath in Week 4 and the Senior Syndicate Ski trip in Week 9.

I hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any other queries please feel free to contact me at school for an appointment or e-mail at

Please check out our class blog:

I look forward to another very productive and successful term with your child.

Yours sincerely,

Ryan McInnes

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